1 Purpose of Use of Personal Information

With regards to the nomyne service (the”Service”), GMO BRAND SECURITY Inc. ("GMO BRS") shall treat the disclosed personal information within the range of the following purposes of use.

1) For personal authentication on the Service, service operation, charging or receiving fees, payment confirmation, credit management, and office processing and giving notice to the Services registrant (the "Users") concerning change of fees, changes, additions or abolishment of services. In addition, to respond to inquiries from the Users regarding the above.

2) To provide information required for procedures such as trademark applications or registrations to a patent attorney who undertook the procedures through the Service.

3) For GMO BRS to use as a destination when sending emails, postal mails, etc. to the Users.

4) To notify the Users of information on operation and provision of the Service by emails, postal mails, etc.

5) To notify the Users of information on services other than the Service, or services provided by our affiliates by emails, postal mails, etc.

6) To inform users of information related to the services provided by our business partners by emails, postal mails, etc.

7) To improve the Service and other services GMO BRS provides. Or to use for questionnaire surveys, analysis, and others, for the purpose of preparing statistical data, etc.

8) For the purpose of sending premiums through campaigns and drawings related to the Service.

9) To disclose when requested by the Users and GMO BRS can confirm that it is a request from the Users themselves.

10) To disclose information on the Users when requested by public organizations in Japan and overseas.

11) To use information such as Internet domain names, IP addresses, and others obtained in the form of access logs, etc. as materials to investigate the causes of illegal acts such as unauthorized access and intimidations.

12) In addition, to use within the range agreed beforehand by the Users and GMO BRS.

2 Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

GMO BRS may provide the personal information obtained from the user to a third party based on the consent of the user as follows. Except in the cases publicly announced below, personal information will not be provided to third parties. In addition, the personal information provided to third parties shall be managed responsibly by GMO BRS. For inquiries about the Service, please contact us at the inquiry window.
Scope, Purpose, Items of Third Party Provision
Recipients of Personal Information Purpose of Use Personal Information Provided
GMO Payment Gateway, Inc. According to 1) of "1. Purpose of use of personal information" Name, address, account information
The patent attorney who received the request According to 2) and 3) of "1. Purpose of use of personal information" Name, address, applicant identification number, email address
GMO GlobalSign Holdings K.K. According to the Privacy Policy of GMO GlobalSign Holdings K.K. Name, email address
【Inquiry Window】
Address: Cerulean Tower 26-1 Sakuragaokacho Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8512
Email Address: [email protected]